Pastor Mario Padilla

  Secretary Lynne Zeman

You can email us at:

Our address is:
919 N. Columbus
West Liberty, Iowa   52776

Call us at (319) 627-4858
Secretary’s Hours: Tue/Wed   9:00-12:00 noon & 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 

 Sunday at WLCF


October 20



9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday school         10:00 a.m. Prayer        10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Music begins at 10:25 a.m.



oBelow are links to recent study handouts

Our Mission Mission and Ministry

The Huge Prayer

 Revelation Handout PDF

The Apocalypse of Jesus PDF

Passion Week Handout

WLCF Teams Handout.

Escatology PDF

The Fruit of the Spirit

Praying for Power


The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Message and Scripture
The Last Three Bowls
Revelation 16:10-21

 WLCF Vision and Mission
WLCF VISION STATEMENT – To be a God centered, God loving, Holy Spirit filled, led and empowered Church, having Christ as the Head and we, as His Body, being used to make disciples of Jesus to build His Kingdom.

CHURCH COVENANT: We covenant together with God and with one another in an ever-increasing relationship with God as follows: Lord God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we covenant with you and with each otherThat we will always seek You and seek to stay out of Your way as You do Your works to accomplish Your will through us; looking to You always as the head of this Your church; seeking not to quench Your Holy Spirit as He works in us, with us, and through us.

BARUCH ATA YHWH SEBAOTH   Bless You. Praise You. Thank You Beloved LORD GOD. We are thankful for our Overseers as they seek to motivate us in recognizing our individual gifts and ensuring that our church is going in the right direction.

Weekly Dawn Prayer – Wednesday mornings at 7:00am both in person and via Zoom

Daily Time Alone with God – for a daily devotion please follow “Time Alone With God”, found on the website. Please pray TAG every day.

Prayer Chain – Call or email Lynne Zeman  319-627-4858 or


                                                        The code for ALL Zoom sessions is 228 893 6865.  The password is 416991. Join us!   

You can click the link below to join in on the Sunday service and all Bible studies:

Click Here to download and listen to the most current sermon audio.

Church Bulletin and Supplemental Readings

New. Church Bulletin & Supplemental Readings in PDF format

 Time Alone with God Insert

Teen Time Alone with God

Adult Sunday School

Getting to Know the Bible Handout

Spanish Bible Study Handout

Calendar of Events

Paul's Life Chart

Tables of Names

 Readings from the Gospel of John

Fighting The Good War

The Isms and Idolotries of the World Hand-Out

Pre-Baptism Class Information



This Week at WLCF


"Jesus, Parables and Hermeneutics"

Jesus is the Head

"The Concept of NEW in Scriptures"

the Passion of Jesus Christ

God's Kingdom

Through Christ to Reconcile the All


We are a member of the Minnesota-Iowa Baptist Conference dba Converge North Central
The conference website is




Bible Studies This Week

 Monday              6:00 p.m.                                 NO Getting to Know the Bible                                  
 Tuesday              7:00 p.m.                                 Spanish Bible Study – Lucas Holy Spirit

 Wednesday         7:00 a.m.                                Dawn Prayer – Prayer for the World/Nation/Community/WLCF
Saturday              7:30 a.m.                                Men's Bible Study - Revelation   

 Sunday                9:00 a.m.                                Adult Sunday School

                                     10:00 a.m.                               Prayer (Sanctuary) Social (Foyer)
                            10:30 a.m.                               Worship Service


Zoom –You will need to download the app on your phone or computer. The code for ALL videos is 228 893 6865.  The password is 416991. Join us!

We celebrate life! We celebrate your life! Let us pray for one another on our birthdays and anniversaries!  If we don’t have your dates, please give them to Lynne or feel free to email the church or to leave a note on her desk.

Upcoming Events 

Winter Coat Drive: The West Liberty Voluntary Action Council has begun collecting winter coats, hats, gloves, and scarves as well as socks and underwear for all ages for distribution in November. You can bring them to the church.

The music will now begin at 10:25 am on Sunday mornings.

Harvest Soup Supper Oct 30 4-7 pm at Cedar Valley Methodist. Lyle Beaver will be playing.

Ongoing Events, Services and Activities

Baptism – If you are interested in following Jesus in the Waters of Believer’s Baptism please see Pastor Mario. 

West Liberty Food Pantry – Is open at FCU Saturdays 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. and Thursdays 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Thanks to the men who deliver these items to FCU.  Julie McKillip is our coordinator.

Church library – You are invited to check out the books from the library downstairs. 

Copy of the Message or Bulletin – Visit our website:  (an audio version is included) or contact Brad Jenkins. 

Stephen’s Ministry – is available for anyone needing someone to walk beside them or pray with them.  Please contact Kelsey Jenkins 319-936-4891 or Cindy Mays 319-330-4620 for more information. 

Child Care: Child care is available in the Nursery during worship service.  

Children’s Sunday school – during the sermon at the 10:30 a.m. worship service.



Worship Service: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Youth Night: Wednesdays at 6pm: resumes Sept 4 – Luke& Psalms
(Please bring your Bibles). .


If you are interested in serving this ministry in any way, let Pastor Mario know. They need one board member and several cube leaders. The group meets at First Church United (FCU) on Sunday evenings.

Oct 20 Home Cubes TBD

Oct 27 Hayrack Ride and Bonfire 6pm WLCF

Nov 3 Regular CYG 6pm FCU

Nov 10 Take Away Hunger Project 6pm FCU



Daily Time Alone With God. Follow the insert for this daily prayer time. Be sure to pray the TAG every day..

 Audio Recording of the Message – see Brad Jenkins or listen at

Church Library – Great books located downstairs!

Pastor’s Day of Sabbath Rest: Friday 

Secretary’s Hours: Tue/Wed   9:00-12:00 noon & 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Email or call ALL questions, comments, concerns or requests to the church or leave in Lynne's inbox



The Story of God Sunday School Series In Audio

The Story of God Chapter 1

The Story of God Chapter 2

The Story of God Chapter 3

The Story of God Chapter 4

The Story of God Chapter 5

The Story of God Chapter 6

The Story of God Chapter 7

The Story of God Summary









