Passion of JESUS CHRIST –WLCF 2013


Readings and meditations for the week.

According to The Gospel of Mark.

The setting – an obscure corner of the Roman Empire –

       Bethany and        Jerusalem.

Jesus in his early thirties (30 – 33 AD).


Palm Sunday      Entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.

                      Mark 11:1 – 11.


Monday              Jesus teaches in the Temple.          

                      Mark 11:12 – 19.


Tuesday       Last Day of public ministry in Jerusalem.    

                      Mark 11:20 – 12:44


Silent Wednesday    Jesus rests in Bethany. No account in Scripture.                The reading here takes place on Tuesday.      

                      Mark 13:1 – 14:11.


Maundy Thursday    The Lent season officially ends on this day.                              Jesus and His disciples are in the Upper Room where                    they eat the Passover Meal. He washes their feet. He                      teaches them the New Commandment (Lat.                                          mandenum) 

                      Mark 14:12 – 31.


Good Friday      Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Arrested.                           Tried.  Condemned. Crucified. Buried. Dead.      

                      Mark 14:32 – 41.


Saturday      Jesus – Buried in the Tomb. This happened Friday.

                      Mark 14:42 – 47.


Sunday         Resurrection Sunday! Easter. Jesus is Risen!

                      Mark 16:1 – 8.


We are the church of the Risen Christ. We gather every first day of the week to celebrate the Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. Ever since that glorious first Sunday of Resurrection we celebrate The Risen JESUS!                    JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN!

Come, join us and let us celebrate the Resurrection of JESUS every Sunday all year round.


(See back for all the activities of Passion Week 2013 here at WLCF).

The Passion of JESUS THE MESSIAH –WLCF 2013

The Week of March 24 – 31.

 Sunday, March 24   Palm Sunday

       8:30 am  Prayer with Pastor Mario

       9:00 am  Sunday School – Adults and Youth

       10:00 am       Worship Service

                      Children, Palm Branches – Hosanna!

                      Children’s Sunday School (10:30 am)

       Message – The King Comes and A Parable – Matt. 21:1 – 11, 28 – 32


Monday, March 25  

       7:00 pm  Spanish Bible Study – Passion Week (Mark)


Tuesday, March 26

       7:00 am  Dawn Prayer Time – Passion Week (Mark)


Wednesday, March 27    Silent Wednesday

       7:00 am  Dawn Prayer Time – Passion Week (Mark)

       7:00 pm  Bible Study – Gospel of Mark


Thursday, March 28              Maundy Thursday

       7:00 am  Dawn Prayer Time – Passion Week (Mark)

       7:00 pm  Maundy Thursday Service (Youth and Adults)

                      Scripture. Food. Communion. Music. Foot Washing.


Friday, March 29            Good Friday

       7:00 pm  Good Friday Service at WLCF, “The Seven Words from                             the Cross of JESUS.”


Saturday, March 30

       7:30 am  Men’s Bible Study

       9:00 am  God, You, Gifts and the Church Study

       5:30 pm  Youth Activity. Pizza. Games. “The Passion of the Christ”                                                                                                   (movie).


Sunday, March 31    Resurrection Sunday!! JESUS is RISEN!

       7:00 am  Sunrise Service

       8:00 am  Breakfast

       10:00 am       Resurrection Celebration Service!!

       Message –      The King Rises and A Parable –

                             Luke 16:19-31; 24:1 – 8


Every Day of the Week – Time Alone with God.

See and follow Time Alone with God Insert

(Adult & Youth available).


Let us Celebrate JESUS every day of life!