The Concept of NEW in Scripture: Living in the Kingdom of New!
(Sun. Nov. 4, 2012)
In the Old Testament:
1. A New Song – Ps. 33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1; Isa. 42:10
2. A New Covenant – Jer. 31:31
3. A New Spirit – Eze. 11:19
4. A New Heart – Eze. 36:26
5. A New Thing – Isa. 43:19; Jer. 31:22;
Isa. 42:9; 48:6
6. God’s Compassions – Lam. 3:22, 23
7. A New Name – Isa. 62:2
8. New Heavens and Earth – Isa. 65:17; 66:12
In the New Testament:
1. New Song – Rev. 5:9; 14:3
2. New Covenant – Mt. 26:28; Mk. 14:24; Lk. 22:20;
I Cor. 11:25; II Cor. 3:6; Heb 8:8; 8:13; 9:15
3. New Spirit New
Man – Eph. 2:15; 4:24
4. New Heart New Creation – II Cor. 5:17
5. New Thing – II Cor. 5:17; Rev. 21:5
7. New Name – Rev. 2:17; Rev. 3:12
8. New Heaven and Earth – II Pt. 3:13; Rev. 21:1ff
9. New Jerusalem – Rev. 3:12; 21:2
10. New Teaching – Mk. 1:27; Ac. 17:19
11. New Commandment – Jn. 13:34; I Jn. 2:7; II Jn. 5
12. New Wine of Jesus – Mt. 9:17; Mk. 2:21f;
Lk. 5:36 – 38
In His Commission to us - Mt.16:17-20 - Here we begin to see a new vision. We begin to see the new perspective of the Kingdom of New. We are soldiers of the living God. We are filled with the living God in us, the Holy Spirit. We are involved in an offensive warfare, and not in the fortress. Our King said, "I will build my church and the gates of Hades (of the Kingdom of evil and darkness) will not be able to stand against it." We are to be storming the very gates of Hades and the living God through us will be setting captives free. We are not to be cringing in the fortress afraid of the onslaught of the enemy forces. One person with God is all it takes to win the battle - Elijah or Carmel. We need to pray and ask for a new vision - of God and of ourselves, a new perspective, outlook, and attitude. Need to be New Creations II Cor.5:17...
Jesus' table fellowship with sinners. Jesus celebrates the kingdom with all the wrong people. He incurs anger and hostility from those who knew in their bones that God's kingdom was about holiness and detachment from evil, and who never suspected that evil people could be, and were being, redeemed and rescued. His mother and brothers come to take him away, thinking him to be out of his mind, and he responds by declaring that the crowd around him, hanging on his every word, were his mother and brothers. He tells stories (a lost sheep, a lost coin, two lost sons) to indicate for those with ears to hear that this policy was not an accident but a heaven-sent priority. He invites himself to lunch with Zacchaeus the Jericho tax collector while the crowds wait, shocked to the core, outside the door: "He's gone in to eat with a sinner!" Finally, he goes out to die with the rebels, sharing their shame though himself innocent, as Luke in particular makes clear. The taint of evil lies heavy on him throughout, and somehow he bears it, takes it all the way, exhausts its power.
N.T. Wright, Evil and The Justice of God, p. 84f (2006)