Estudio En Español – Mateo -  Mateo 11: 28-30

Jesus…Vengan a mi                         Cansados y cargados…


            (Den a mi) Todo, todas cargas, problemas, cosas, negativas

                                de los enemigos – Ser (Yo). Pecado. Mundo. Satanas

                                las fortalezas…

                                los argumentos…

                                las altanerias, altivez…  II Corintios 10: 3-6

                                The Huge Prayer


            les doy descanco, refresco, Nuevo…bueno, positivo

                        Fruto del Espiritu. (Fruit of Holy Spirit).


            Acepten Mi Yugo. Cargen con…


            Mi Yugo as suave…Mi carga es liviana…

                                El Yugo Suave de Jesus (Willard)

                                                Las Disciplinas del Espiritu

                                El Gol de Jesus. De Dios

                                                En el Nombre de Jesus

                                                Por el poder del Espiritu Santo

                                                Para la Gloria de Dios

                                                Y el bien de otros

                                                Ser formados (Cristo en nocotros (Galatas 4:20)

                                                Ser conformados (Romanos 8: 29)

                                                Y tranformados a la Imagen de Cristo   (II Corintios 3:18)


            Aprendan de Mi – Jesus. Nuestro Maestro

                                                Tiempo solo con Dios

                                                Estudios Biblicos

                                                Servicios de Adoracion


E Stanley Jones, Growing Spiritually p. 167 (1953).

    Have a convenient forgettory. On the wall of a room in a church was this motto: “Forget, Forgive, For God.” But the first thing is “forget.” Don’t take your hurt to bed with you. Drop it into the love of God and bury it there. A pastor suggests an added collection in which we pass the collection plate and drop into it our fears and anxieties. And our hurts, I would add. Then take them to the foot of the cross and bury them. Wipe them out of your memory.

     When these thoughts come back, perhaps in waking hours, do what I found myself doing one morning in an early waking hour. Repeat these words: “The love of God invades me, the peace of God pervades me, the will of God persuades me, and I am wholly His.” Then there will be no room for hurt feelings, or real or imaginary slights.